Web Links

These world wide web links will allow the reader to learn in much greater depth about many of the subjects discussed here. Many of the links provided throughout the main text of this web site are to practicing theoretical chemists' home pages where readers will find even more exciting modern research in theoretical chemistry. Links to societies dealing with theoretical chemistry and to sources of educational and research material produced by theoretical chemists are shown below. (See also Guidance to Students).

An absolutely wonderful site dedicated to getting children interested in science appears under the name MOLECULARIUM . Professor Shekhar Garde of RPI is a prime mover in this important project.


Many students studying theoretical chemistry develop substantial skills in computer and computational science. This sometimes leads them to pursue careers in computer science and its applications. Here is a good web site at which one can learn a lot about lots of degree programs in computer science in case you are one of these students  (http://computersciencedegrees.org/).


Some of the best links to

information about chemistry

in general include:

http://www.shef.ac.uk/~chem/chem dex/

as well as a web site maintained by an undergradate classmate of the author,the late Ron Rinehart, who has many many links covering a plethora of education-realted chemistry, biology, physics, and other areas.

A wonderful site talking about polymers and a nice site explaining about glass materials (some things you did not know)


In addition, Commodity has a lot of links to interesting chemistry material

Prof. Bill Hase has collected several very nice animations relating to chemical reactions.

Dr. Mark R. Leach has a wonderful web site for the publishing house called meta-synthesis, which has many internal links dealing with a wide variety of chemical education issues. I highly recommend it.

The World Science web site is a wonderful place to find information about up to date happenings in many areas of science. It reads much like a news magazine but is focused on real science.

The field of public health, including climate change and evironmental science, is of much current interest and importance.Here is a good web link to learn more.


Here is a site that explains a lot about the chemistry that underlies the cleaning process.


Here is a nice site that has a lot of information about curriculum materials and chemistry teaching.


Two excellent web sites that has a very large amount of information, all in web format, about theoretical and computational chemistry can be found at the Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry and the University of Stuttgart's theory group.

I also encourage you to look at http://www.chem.utah.edu for information about my department's education and research efforts in all areas of chemistry.


Unixl provides a wide range of chemistry resources including MSDS, instrumentation, and many links of edcuational and research interest in essentially all areas of chemistry.


A good set of links to
chemical education sitesssss




(this one even offers a route to obtaining certification in education)

http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/infob ahn/boc.html


The simple, common, and interesting molecules site shows many nice color pictures of molecules that are important in daily life.


 Robert Gotwals has a wonderful site dealing with how to introduce computational chemistry into the introductory chemistry curriculum.

JChemEd.chem.wisc.edu is the web site for the Journal of Chemical Education. This journal often contains software and information about web links that relate to chemistry and science education. The have a software link that provides excellent access to up to date software relating to education

The National Science Foundation has, for over 30 years, been supporting summer research by undergraduate students in chemistry. I encourage you to seek information about the colleges and universities that currently serve as Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) sites. You receive pay and a wonderful educational experience when you take part.

LUCID is learning and understanding through computer-based interactive discovery


UCLA's list of links to other chemistry sites

http://www.chem.ucla.edu/c hempointers.html

A web source containing a wide variety of chemistry information is maintained by Steven Bachrach at Trinity University





An ever increasing number of web sites are appearing to offer free and commercial software that can be of great interest and use to students interested in theory and computer modeling. Several such links are offered below.

Here is a link to Online College's chemistry visualization resources.

Here is a link to a glossary of organic chemistry terminology

The American Chemical Society has a web site called ChemCenter that offers information about jobs and allows one to link to various ACS published journals. In addition, the ACS has a Committee called the Young Chemists Committee that has a web link especially useful to those just starting careers as chemists. The Society of Chemical Industries also has a jobs-related site, as does The Association for Women in Science and Engineering. The Medzilla site allows job seekers to post and update their resumes for employers to review.


In addition, there is a very nice site highlighting the past and present and the hope for the future of African Americans in the Sciences.

The American Chemical Society recently opened JobSpectrum.org as a site for people seeking jobs in chemistry and for employers seeking to hire such people.

The Computational Science and Engineering web site has a large number of links to other sites involving science, engineering, computers, etc. and is designed with students in mind.

The Chemistry Hypermedia Project at Virginia Tech provides a wide range of chemical education software and links.

ChemMystery is a very useful link that offers students a wide range of educational information and other links.

The E-skolar website has a lot of very useful links to chemistry education and research sites.

The Web Elements and Periodic Table sites offer a large amount of information about the elements in the periodic table.

Los Alamos Labs also has a very nice periodic table link.

The World Chemistry site is especially designed as a source for able students between 16 and 19 years of age and for science educators.

The SciTech Daily Review offers a frequently updated source of material (news, books, web links) of current interest to society.

The Atomospheric Chemistry site is a learning resource for anyone interested in gaining a general idea about this field.

There are two nice web links that offer information about 3-D structures of inorganic materials (bonding, zeolites, superconductors, magnets, and minerals) and information about a wide variety of organometallic chemistry.

A site in Holland offers a wide range of links to computational chemistry material, including classes that can be scanned over the web.

The Scientific American magazine is now also on the web.

First Principles Research offers computational chemistry expertise to industry.

The SciCentral web site is a wonderful gateway to many online resources grouped by science area.

There is an Internet Journal of Chemistry that contains research articles, including some in computational and theoretical chemistry, on the web.

Chemcyclopedia is a web site that offers much information about commercially available chemicals.

At the University of Pittsburgh, there is a link that connects you to many nice sites dealing with visualization in science.

The Chemical Computing Group has many wonderful links and a wide variety of programs.

Professors Rob Coalson and Ken Jordan at Pitt have two nice links connected to classes they teach on Computational Science and on Modern Computational Chemistry.

Bryn Mawr College has a nice site that contains lots of mathematical modeling of chemical phenomena.

PCOL is an on line source for teaching (and learning) physical chemistry.

If you are interested in surface science and how theory contributes to this area (which also relates to the new field of nano-technology), I suggest you look at the web site created by Kurt Kolasinski.

A large number of advanced textbooks and links to other physics and chemistry sites can be found on Professor Hagen Kleinert's web page.

Professor J. C. Baird of Brown University has a full on-line web course on quantum chemistry that is well worth looking into.

A nice web page called Online Masters Degree Programs offers many links to sites on chemistry education, history of chemistry, courses and curriculum materials, and more.

Some people interested in chemistry, theoretical chemistry in particular, turn out to really prefer computational sciences. Here is a link that offers much information about graduate programs in that area and about job prospects for people with expertise in computational sciences.